Perceptions- My Two Fulus

Number 8 B’day Cake for my 8 Year Old..

Namnam turned 8 last week. And I had planned to bake a special cake for her. So, like a good mom, I asked her what kind of cake she would like on her bday and pat came the reply- A ‘Thea Stilton’ cake, based on her favourite book!

Now the thought of having to design a figurine cake with its whiskers and ears and nose and lashes perfectly in place, among other things, was enough to petrify the lazy, utterly uncreative, unartistic, not to forget, awfully messy mom in me! 😯

Sooooo, the good mom brought out the meanie mom from within and moulded her child into getting excited about another cake that was relatively easy to bake, and also stayed true to the occasion :twisted:.

And when I told her that she could assist me in decorating the cake, the excitement level shot a few notches up πŸ™‚

Here’s what we made for the 8 year old and her friends who had come over to celebrate the day with us πŸ™‚


In case any of you is wondering how I made this, here’s how..

I baked 2 round chocolate cakes using a 9 inch baking dish. Once the cakes were completely cooled, I cut a hole with a 2cm round mouthed glass in the middle of each.


Then I cut off a bit from the edge of both the cakes in equal measure, applied some chocolate frosting (recipe to follow as the post progresses) on the edges..


And joined the cakes..


Then applied some more frosting, around the cakes.

photo 3

And some more, liberally!


The last step was the decorating with m&m gems for which I got able help from the b’day girl herself.



And that is how we pulled off the number 8 cake.

Now to the recipes.

Chocolate cake:

Any chocolate cake would work well. I normally use a very simple recipe which I have shared with IMC for their Book Week special as well here.

However, this time I baked my cakes using this recipe from Add a Pinch, which turned out supremely moist and delicious!


For frosting, well, all I can say is that it’s a blessing if you have baker-friends you can turn to :). They can be absolute life-savers! I had scouted around various websites in search of a good frosting recipe but in vain, until Monika came to my rescue. She shared this easy-peasy, super-yum recipe of hers which worked like a charm!

Thank you so much, Mon πŸ™‚

And here goes the recipe, as given by her, verbatim..


100 gm dark chocolate

200 gm package cream cheese

4 cups confectioners’ sugar/ Icing sugar( In my case, 3 cups more than sufficed)

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1/8 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons cream if required


Have all ingredients at room temperature. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave oven.
In a large bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Pour melted chocolate into cream cheese and mix on medium speed until well blended. Add vanilla and pinch of salt. Slowly mix in the confectioners sugar.
Scrape the sides of the bowl and increase the mixer speed to medium-high. Slowly add cream until the frosting is spreading consistency.


Edited to Add:

Pixie asked me a very relevant question after reading the post. She wanted to know whether we ate the pieces of cake that I cut from the middle and edges. To answer her and anyone who may have had the same doubt- Yessss, we totally did! We gobbled them all up! Namnam even took some pieces to school to have at lunch.

Chocolates of any any kind, size or shape are not to be wasted, you see! That’s the golden rule of my chocoholic household πŸ˜›

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11 thoughts on “Number 8 B’day Cake for my 8 Year Old..

  1. The cake looks super and I am so glad the frosting worked for you πŸ˜€



  2. the cake looks amazing Deeps!!
    husg to Namnam for turning 8! πŸ™‚
    And yay the frosting worked! Our Monu is a superstar na?! πŸ˜€


  3. Happy bday to dear Namnam πŸ™‚
    And one awesome cake, I tell you !


  4. Ema Jones on said:

    Congrats on Namnam’s Birthday. The idea for design of the cake is incredible and I’m loving it πŸ˜€


  5. Lovely cake! Belated birthday wishes to Namnam.


  6. Looks great! Thanks for sharing your technique… I want to try something like this for my 8 yo.


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